This weekend, Paul Ronan – our Director of Advocacy — will be returning to central Africa for a month-long research trip. His primary focus will be to assess the impact of U.S. efforts to stop LRA violence and bring Joseph Kony to justice. He’ll return in March with a report and recommendations for how our leaders can best proceed in helping to protect civilians and seek the apprehension of top LRA commanders. More specifically, Paul will be looking at what the President and Congress should do to best support the newly-deployed U.S. advisers in the region and hopefully bring LRA violence to an end before the year is out.
While Paul is on the ground, assessing the ways in which U.S. leaders can best help end LRA violence, the rest of our team will be here in the States — mobilizing activists across the country for the KONY 2012 campaign and meeting with policymakers here in Washington – in order to create the political will our leaders need to take committed action.
Paul will be tweeting from the ground with interesting findings, so make sure to follow him at @Resolvereports to hear the latest.
As always, we owe a special thanks to our wonderful Resolve Cosponsors, whose monthly support enables Paul to conduct his field research and provide crucial guidance on what affected communities need and how to see this conflict finally ended. To all of our Cosponsors: thank you for your generosity.
And remember: Follow Paul on Twitter!